
It’s a perfect day here in New England. There are white puffy clouds rolling by, and the wind sweeping through is just cool enough to comfort from the warmth of the sun. The eyes squint from the bright light bouncing off the cars whizzing through the streets. The birds are tweeting their messages to each other off the evergreen trees which pricks at the nose to capture their scent. The lilacs are blooming now and their smell is intoxicating enough to bring forth the memory of a younger age, the memory of carefree days. I take it all in as I consider that tomorrow I embark on a mission to save my life from a cancer growing in my breast. 

The outpouring of love and support from those I’ve known for an age to those I’ve met in so many days has humbled me to the core of my being. There is no doubt in me that there is a purpose to all this madness of life and me. I see in the souls that are surrounding me now a sense of age old wisdom, strength, determination, and most of all, a pure sense of love that has contrasted the most recent events in my life. Through them I am made wiser, stronger and I have more determination to withstand it all so that I may, one day, be able to give back all the love they have so graciously given me. I don’t know how I’ll repay them but I’m confident the universe will show me the way. It hasn’t let me down so far and I know it’s not about to now.

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