Old Wounds

His voice crackles through the cool night air

Like lighting cutting through the sky

The cut on my wrist itching slightly 

Reminding me of the madness of my flight

My past haunts me still in the echoes of midnight dreams

I hear the scrapping of powder in the background

The sniffling of the nose with the question fogging the air 

The river of denial runs deep in muddy waters

Threatening to drag you under and keep you locked in

I’ve seen this play out before with a mill city backdrop

It ends with broken hearts, broken dreams, broken people

The sick and twisted ride, only makes me vomit and sweat

There’s nothing you can offer me that I haven’t already left

Nothing you can imagine to be, that you could actually become

Stay in your dreamland coma and leave me to the present

I much prefer the reminder of a scar than a fresh new one

Iris Moon🌜

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